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A Study on Andan Dance by Choi Seung-hee
17 Pages Posted: 26 May 2022 Last revised: 31 May 2022
Junho Song
Northeast Asia Expert Forum
Date Written: January 10, 2022
English Abstract:
There are many misconceptions about Subak (a martial art) that has been passed down since ancient times, such as the fact that its actual form cannot be confirmed now.
Obviously, the fact that Subak has been handed down even today while retaining its old appearance is that a plurality of artisans received Subak from the Korean Peninsula during the Japanese colonial period without any personal connection, and that it has been linked regionally as a culture of Gaeseong and Hamgyeong Province. It is being confirmed from the above documents, testimonies and actual actors.
In other words, Subak, an ancient martial art, was transferred from Gaegyeong to Hanyang (Seoul) after the fall of Goryeo and the founding of Joseon.
It is clear that the Subak (a martial art) was performed as a dance of the soldiers.
And it has been expanded and reproduced in the Japanese colonial period dancer Choi Seung-hee and the present day North Korean and Chinese Korean-Chinese dance circles.
What I am pointing out is not just explaining Subak, dance, Choi Seung-hee, and Andan Dance.
The intangible culture is clearly different from the tangible.
It is a product that is transmitted through complex links such as time, region, and human relationships.
Therefore, it is correct to approach the intangible differently from the tangible.
The Andan Dance of Chosun-Chinese in North Korea and China that is handed down today is that of Choi Seung-hui, and Choi Seung-hui’s is based on the Subak dance and the Subak dance that dates back to the Joseon Dynasty and before Goryeo.
It is narrow-minded to distinguish between Subak-martiality and Subak dance-dance only embryologically or purposefully.
These are all things that can be found in the same culture, Subak (culture), and cannot be found outside of another Subak.
Note: Downloadable document is in Korean.
Keywords: Choi Seung-hee Dancer, Subak martial arts, Subak dance, North Korean dance, Chinese Korean-Chinese Andan dance
Suggested Citation:Song, Junho, A Study on Andan Dance by Choi Seung-hee (January 10, 2022). Available at SSRN: https://ssrn.com/abstract=4103602 or http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4103602
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