韩国Subak协会会长Joon-ho Song作为主持人参加并作了介绍。
About the Morphological Homogeneity of the Gestures of Baek Ki-Wan and the Traditional Martial Art Subak
11 Pages Posted: 19 Jul 2022
Junho Song
Northeast Asia Expert Forum
Date Written: June 27, 2022
中文 Abstract:
2013年前后,我采访了我的父亲宋昌烈,并发表在《韩民族》上。 一位资深记者给我们办公室邮寄了一本小册子,但我当时只看了关于我父亲的部分,其他文章没有看。
English Abstract: It is regrettable that the researcher did not visit Professor Baek Ki-wan during his lifetime.
It is now regrettable that I did not collect data even though I knew a person who performed sword dance in Hamgyeong Province (living in Jilin Province, China) in relation to martial arts and folklore.
My father, the late Song Chang-ryeol, interviewed and reported on the Hankyoreh newspaper around 2013, and a senior reporter mailed the published booklet to the writer’s office, but at that time, her father had read the section and had not heard of anything else.
Afterwards, at an event hosted by me, I took the place of the venue, looked for the contact information of Mr. Baek Ki-wan and called, but I did not get a call with Mr. Baek, and I heard from a person who works as a secretary that it was difficult to take over the venue.
I had forgotten about it, but by chance, through the Internet, I found that Teacher Baek Ki-wan was daring and was featured in the Hankyoreh newspaper at the same time as Song Chang-ryeol.
Morphological comparison of movements
Subak is based on the practice of bending and straightening the knees and pushing the upper body from top to bottom (or vice versa).
In order to transmit that power to an external object/object, I usually go to a mountain and hit a tree, etc. with my hand, trunk, or foot, as if pushing it before hitting it.
In a nutshell, this means that Teacher Baek Ki-wan did the push-and-pull movement to deliver the accumulated abdominal pressure to the opponent
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